一大堆应该file的没file一个月了。 =(可不可以假装看不到我一天一天就好,好让我把pending做完把该file的file完>.< 不知道是不是工作量接踵而来
but have to control myself T__T
I don't want to get fainted once every month
It's so not nice =.=
Those who always kapzai one
May I know where is the place that most lengzai will appear
or walk pass one
my life is sooooooooooo boring >.<
haha okay...last 2 sentences!
I enjoyed my HatYai trip!!!!!!!!!!
and I desperately wants to go there again
[2 more~ =D]
I want to go for "Agua Show" again...wahaha
They are so gorgeous! OMG!
~k la~ ♫♪ Stop here! Bye People, Bye Lexy with ♥
Hey people, I lost my phone. since 2010/08/26 It was not stolen just I could not recall where I put my phone *hehe*So, since its still ringing when I try to callI believe it is still in the office...safelyLOL But, which level? >.<I want back my sim card !I want back my contacts !Hope that it will come back to me on MondayHope people will answer the phone when its ringing then I can know where is it located So......friends~we contact through facebook la haaa~or skype XP@ jackieleejy @ ♫♪ Stop here! Bye People, Bye Lexy with ♥
♫♪ Stop here! Bye People, Bye Lexy with ♥
原来我并不是那么的注重外貌或许我该退出外貌协会了 : :::::::::: : 曾经我也很肤浅看到帅哥就眼神炯炯见到阿表就有恶心的感觉可是我不想再当这样的一种人了不要再当肤浅的人DON'T JUDGE THE PERSON BY ITS COVER因为帅不能当饭吃帅不能把你喂饱面包才能把你喂饱>.< 这是直到我认识了拥有外表却只会一直投诉的人所发现的。我看不到他的努力,我只看到一句又一句的投诉这种人我不会把头往里栽我喜欢的是成熟,有自信,有主见,能够保护我的人(就算他没有外表)而不是一直投诉投诉,而没有想办法解决的人 其实男人女人也一样我对一直投诉的女人没有一点好感我甚至会避开你,不和你说一句话正所谓话不投机半句多 我喜欢你,所以我和你说话 但我不和你说话,不代表我不喜欢你只能说我较安静,没话题硬要说我生气还是讨厌你,随你便! 好了,我偏题了 XO Kiss - Because I'm a girl♫♪ Stop here! Bye People, Bye Lexy with ♥